So rhinkle’s had this one before, but this is my first time trying it. She’d westerened it before but found too much bitterness came out for her tastes, so insisted on us gongfuing it this time.
I am not an earl grey drinker, so this is not my domain. I can tell that the tea base is good, nice and smooth. The bergamot comes through very strong for me, as I don’t handle scents all that well, but the balance of flavors is just right for her. I’m not really familiar with the scent or flavor or amaranth, so I’m not sure how will that comes through or if it could come through steeping this way, but the petals certainly add a nice visual aesthetic.
We get a couple steeps of this one before she has to head back to her desk and, all in all, I would have to say this was more enjoyable than the few earl grey-drinking experiences I’ve had in the past.
Flavors: Bergamot