I am a big fan of floral teas (and floral desserts in general) – the more jasmine, rose, or lavender flavor, the better. I’m also someone who doesn’t add extra sugar to their tea. Lavender Buttercream is both not lavender-y enough for me and too sweet for me, with its big lumps of sugar crystals in the mix. My first few sips of this, I actually recoiled at the lingering, chemical sweetener taste that it leaves in the mouth. I like it much better cold than hot, for some reason, as that aftertaste seems to dissipate quite a bit when it’s cold. It’s sort of like birthday cake and buttercream frosting, but with the taste of dye and chemical something amped way up in that frosting. The lavender is a barely there afterthought, just a hint of floral. I prefer their regular Birthday Cake tea, and their Lavender Swirl tea is absolute heaven.