This brew took some focus. The maocha is beautiful. This cake is so lightly compressed it easily peels apart. I grabbed off some long bronze and autumn brown leaves. The dry aroma is sweet and savory with a velvet softness. I placed a generous amount in my warmed yixing and gave it a shake. I took in a deep inhale of the aroma. I caught notes of smooth red wine or possibly ice wine. I washed these leaves once and began some focused brewing. The oily green tendrils gave off a peculiar aroma. I took one short whiff and immediately the image of kettle corn popped in my head (no pun intended). The liquor was pale like white tea and was slightly iridescent. The flavor was complex. This brew has a sharp and popping kuwei, but it’s wrestled with a full huigan. This brew gives a powerful mouth feeling. My tongue was left with a spicy sensation, and my throat filled with sweet coatings. This feeling lasted well into steeping. The flavor continued complex with so many various tones. I was getting a bitterness that arose in my belly, but my throat was softened and numbed. My head was beginning to float, and my blood was pumping quick. My body was in a state of awe and relaxation. I was being pulled into so many different directions that I kinda just made peace with it. The qi was sneaky. I didn’t notice it at all, at first. I was thinking to myself “I thought there was supposed to be an intense body sensation”. The sensation is not seemingly intense. Instead, its invisible, but its powerful. I was quickly sweating and becoming easily distracted. My head was zooming and my eyes grew heavy. I kept on brewing and just adding onto this supposed “absent” qi. I took sip after sip of this now peppery floral tea. The mouth sensation would not quit. I can’t count how steeping sessions I was able to get. I lost count at about 11. The liquor remained a dull orange bronze. This was fantastic, but it took a lot of effort to focus on it. The next time I brew this, I will set some time aside to focus more on this session. This was a wonderful experience, and I am excited to see how it settles.
Flavors: Kettle Corn, Pepper, Red Wine, Smooth, Spices, Sweet
Whats the name of the book? The Book of Tea?
It is beautiful looking :)
Correct :)