I absolutely adore this particular herbal infusion for a bagged variety. As I stated in another of my notes, you can’t always spare the time for a nice loose leaf brew, sometimes you just need something warm to drink and get on with your day without taking the time to go through all the steps loose leaf can require.

When you open the box you notice they are all individually wrapped, as all Twining’s teas are. Next you notice that even then you can smell the peppermint. To me that’s always a good sign. If it’s strong enough to smell through the packaging I know I’m going to enjoy it. Once I ripped open the first packet I was in love. As the package states it is nothing but pure peppermint leaves. You can tell just by smelling it that that is the case.

Now, on to the brewing and tasting. When you pour the hot water over it you immediately get a face full of hot steamy peppermint goodness. It sort of hard to wait for it to steep and I usually don’t even let it steep for as long as I probably should. I am sort of a sucker for peppermint so I guess I just don’t have the patience. I find the taste strong and energizing without being overpowering, and unlike Celestial Seasonings it doesn’t taste old, and or dusty. It also has a handy little string to pull it out with so you don’t have to to fishing for the teabag in a cup of very hot liquid. Upon the first sip I can pretty much always feel my nasal passages and sinuses open up and my chest clear, as well as my stomach settle which is a natural reaction to the peppermint oil. By the end of the cup, even if I am sick, I always feel very uplifted and energized.

All in all this is one of my absolute favorite teas, and it will always be a staple in my cupboard for those times I just can’t spare the time to make it loose leaf or just feel to icky to go through the motions involved.

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Just an average guy living an amazing life with the man he’s fallen in love with. I am a huge bookworm, a science fiction geek and a tea lover.


Manhattan, KS

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