Earl Grey was my introduction to tea. I started drinking it because of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Captain Picard’s oft repeated “Tea, Earl Grey, hot.” line. As soon as I tasted it I fell in love. That was many years ago, far from where I live now and I got my first taste of it bagged from Taylors of Harrogate as a gift from my father when he came to visit me while I lived in San Antonio, Texas.
Now it is many years later and I still have a strong love for Earl Grey, but I have no easy access to the brand that started my love affair with this tea. But then I discovered Twinings and fell in love all over again. While I realize that as a bagged version of the famous tea it will never live up to loose leaf I also realize that sometimes you gotta go with what you got. I have a whole box of this stuff up in my pantry and I never allow myself to run out. Sometimes you really just don’t have time for a cup of freshly brewed loose leaf and it’s nice to know that I have an old standby that I can fall back on in such times.