Well, consider me unbelievably impressed!
This has got to be the both the best flavored puerh and the best chocolate tea that I’ve ever had. Ever. Seriously. And if you know me, you know that I have never rated any chocolate tea high and only once before enjoyed a flavored puerh.
So what’s this mean for most of you reading this? probably that you won’t like it as much as I. All you who enjoy those della terra chocolate teas (so gnarly!) might not find this tea to match your tastes. . .but who knows. To me, this is exactly how a peppermint-patty wanna-be tea should be. The mint is strongest, while the chocolate hangs out in the back ground. The puerh gives the tea a weightier/creamier mouth feel than would another base, but it doesn’t contribute a lot to the flavor, which is good imo. I like unflavored puerh, but I haven’t found its unique flavor well suited to dessert blends.
I am especially impressed that this comes from a little Montana tea shop that is only a few years old.