I got several 52Teas samples to try from my mystery swap with CK. This was one of them. I wasn’t keen on trying this one any time soon, but my husband asked me to brew it because he was hoping for some bacon. Yuck, bacon. I don’t care much for bacon (or for pineapple). I especially don’t like pizza, but the funniest thing is, if I do have to eat a pizza, I’d take a canadian bacon and pineapple (I don’t understand me either).
I brewed a small sample cup of this for both Eric and I to try. Eric likes pineapple, but he was really looking forward to a bacon flavor, which neither of us could detect, so he gave it a low rating.
The pineapple in this is strong and the rooibos doesn’t come through very heavy IMO. I don’t like pineapple after taste, but I could drink it if I had to.
This tea was doomed from the start for me, combining two foods that I don’t particularly like, but I had to try it anyway. I see no reason why someone who loves pineapple wouldn’t like it, but if your looking for bacon tea, don’t look here.