I know, I know, I’ve already written 2 notes on this tea already, but hold on a sec… have you been on steep.it yet? It’s this awesome little tea-timer website that alerts you on your computer when your tea is done.
Well, their suggestion for white teas is to steep them for only 30sec at only 80°C. I’ve always steeped my whites according to the recommendations on the package (3-4 min at 98°C) and they usually turn out alright, but why not try something new? I mean, you’re supposed to steep greens at a lower temp so you don’t scald the leaves right? Makes sense that it’d be the same for a white.
It came out pretty good, considering the different steep methods. More white tea than strawberry, but this means I will probably get a couple extra steeps out of the leaves instead of just 1-2. Hmmm… looks like I will have to try this method with whiskey white too, since it always seems to come out bitter when I brew according to DAVIDsTEA’s suggestions.