What a lovely little rooibos!
I am not a big rooibos fan, which is ironic since my husband’s family is from South Africa and they are SUPER picky about their rooibos tea and how altered it is. Me, not at all like that, in fact I can rarely drink rooibos straight! I always need some additive or flavouring to make it a little less… rooibos-y. Anyways, this tea is a perfect example of the beauty of flavoured rooibos; it’s both spicy and creamy, with the caramel-y sweetness of the rooibos tempered by the other flavours.
I drank this once straight, once with a splash of milk, and the latest time I brewed it on the stove like an Indian chai. While it tastes alright straight or with just a splash of milk, it truly shines when made in the traditional chai style! It was robust, but smooth and it blended seamlessly with milk and a touch of brown sugar. The coconut really brings out a rich creaminess when blended with milk. If you have the chance, try the stove-top method. You’ll thank me later…
I love rooibos chai, almost better than black tea chai… must be the fact that I can drink it at all hours of the day and not have to worry about being up all night.
I’m not a fan of roobois either but it is good in chai, I think!
I love rooibos chai, almost better than black tea chai… must be the fact that I can drink it at all hours of the day and not have to worry about being up all night.
I like Rishi’s version. :)
Haven’t tried that one… will have to look into it.