Yesterday was a dreary October day on the Prairies and my toddler was driving me crazy. So, I packed her up, got on the bus, and headed downtown to see what my DAVIDsTEA had in store.
Ended up with 50g of Pumpkin Chai, 2 sample packets of the new teas, and a delicious take-away cup of this. Not a bad haul for under $10! Except now I’m regretting not buying some more of this because Holy-Mother-of-Moses it is everything they said it would be! And my store wasn’t even supposed to get some!
Others have described this better than I could, so I’ll say this: it’s malty with hints of honey and a light floral finish from the jasmine. I might have a new contender for my perennial favourite Nepal Black! Try this if you have the chance, you won’t regret it.
Also worth noting 50g gets you about 50 pearls (thus 25 cups if you’re using 2 pearls per cup) meaning each pearl is about 1g. Just bought some today and had to count them…