Smells like grapefruit? Hmmm, interesting.

Now I know that Swampwater is supposed to be the tea you brew for kids, but, no sooner had I taken this out of the fridge—after brewing it for 10 minutes, straining, then placing it there to cool—then my 18-month-old hold her sippy cup out to me. She’s probably thirsty and I prefer to fill it with cold tea, instead of juice, anyways. I hand her the full cup and she literally starts drinking without stopping for a breath! Either she’s really thirsty of she really loves this tea. Probably a combination of both! Looks like this will be in full rotation this summer as I brew it up for my daughter to drink.

Now, what do I think of it? I find it’s a really flavourful brew, especially when you just leave it for a bit, then strain and chill. I could see it being a little on the weak side if you brewed it then poured it over ice, so to get maximum flavour I recommend steeping it for 10+ minutes, straining it, then forgetting it in the fridge for a day so it reached peak coldness.

Trust me on this one, have I ever lead you astray before?

Boiling 8 min or more

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Hi there! I am a big fan of tea in it’s many forms: white, green, black, red, herbal, etc. Since the removal of my gallbladder I am finding I sway more towards straight teas, such as black or oolong, and dessert-like teas.

I hope you find my reviews helpful…

Organic Ever Green (4 tsp) • DAVIDsTEA
Dragonwell • DAVIDsTEA
Mint Julep (15g) • DAVIDsTEA
Choconut Oolong (25g) • DAVIDsTEA



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