Liquid. Cinnamon. Hearts.
Is is just me or does it feel like this winter is dragging on and on and on? It doesn’t help that my husband’s side of the family is from South Africa and they’ve all been vacationing over there for weeks while posting lovely, sun-drenched, beach-laden pictures on facebook of their adventures. Sigh.
It was free tea day yesterday, but I felt guilty about just popping in to abuse this perk, then leaving… so I lingered around a bit and got talking to one of the new sales-associates (I know because almost all the others know me by now, or at least they know my adorable toddler) who kept suggesting to me teas I have already tried. When he asked if I had tried Hot Lips I told him I hadn’t… that I’d just never gotten around to it. So, he took the canister down, popped the lid, and even before I leaned over the canister I could smell the cinnamon-y magic.
However, once I got home I had to wait to steep it, since my caffeine tolerance is so low even this would keep me up. This morning I brewed it and BAM the whole apartment smelled like cinnamon hearts. Drinking it is like liquified cinnamon hear candies are flowing down your throat, minus the overwhelming sweetness and burn of the cinnamon. So good, I even got two really flavourful steeps out of it!