This was our fourth and final tea for the afternoon of gong fu, because I believe Dinosara would really like this one, since I just love it.
5 second first steep, +5 seconds for each subsequent steep in the gaiwan.
First steep: Creamy an almost spicy flora scent, it’s so thick! It reminds me of walking into a bridal salon, where everything is perfumed silk with a slight bit of saran wrap smell?
Second steep: The sweetness of the floral flavor is almost too strong, a bit like molasses! A slight fruity edge to it as well. Greener too; reminds me of the spicy-sweet smell/taste of the sap from bulb-type flower stems. So unique and delicious!
Third steep: An even amount of green-ness and that unique floral flavor in this steep. It reminds me of lush, thick petals (much as you would find on a magnolia tree! Haha) with an exotic, velvety sweetness.
Fourth steep: A more simple, but sweeter brew. It reminds me of tobacco flowers.
Fifth steep: The tea leaves are really slowing down now. A much greener flavor to a weak brew.
Can you tell that I love this tea? So unique and delicious! I haven’t had any other magnolia flavored teas, but I’m sure this would be near the top. I think I’m going to have to order some with their current sale!
Flavors: Cactus Flowers, Floral, Nectar, Stems, Thick