Forgot that Rose Congu at home, needed another black tea hit this morning! I got this one a while ago at TJMax on a Fauchon-dive with Dinosara, specifically because it sounded absolutely bizarre. Dinosara claims that the tea is ‘very thymey’, but at the time I was using fresh thyme constantly in my cooking, and didn’t realize that the thymey flavor was that of grassy store-bought dried thyme, not the lemony goodness I had accustomed myself to.
The peach is light, over an unoffensive, lighter black base. The thyme is really the kicker here, and though it can be good at times, in the ‘new and exciting’ kind of way, I wouldn’t call it everyday good. It is frankly very weird, and brings to mind those shortbread cookies made with savory spices at fancy coffee shops and bakeries. Every once in a while it really hits the spot, when your not really looking for tea flavor in your tea, but do not want something overly sweet either. A bit of sugar brings the peach out a little more, but it is still overpowered by the thyme.
Flavors: Compost, Dry Grass, Musty, Peach, Thyme