Tea #5 for Traveling Tea Box C
I’m always hesitant about green teas. On one hand, I have some I absolutely love, but on the other, most I’ve tried have not been very tasty to me. However, this one had such an interesting name that I even give it the chance to open the bag and take a quick sniff. And it smelled amazing! I was scared that if I brewed it hot, the green would make everything taste terrible, or the cherry would make everything tart or cough syrup flavor, or the rose would be way too floral. You can see how finicky I am with greens!
So instead, I cold brewed this one over night. There wasn’t much left of this one, and I used up what was left. I tried to make the water about the right amount, but it still ended up a bit weak. I could still taste it though! My first thought with this was “Wow! This tastes like bubblegum!” But as I sipped more, I could pick apart the flavors. There’s the green tea base, here’s the rose adding some floral notes, there’s the cherry, not cough syrup flavored. This is one that I would have loved more of.
I’m so weird with green teas too. Either they’re too vegetal or the flavouring doesn’t go well with a green base or I’ll randomly like something that seems to work haha.
It seems like we have a lot of tea tastes in common!