Lapsang Souchong, that infamous Love It Or Loathe It tea. I fall into the Love It camp, but even then I still have to be in the right mood to drink the stuff. Luckily today was chilly and brisk enough to give me a craving for liquid bonfire after I’d gone to the dentist for a tooth cleaning. (Begone, pesky tea stains!)
I usually just take my tea straight, no sugar, no milk, no lemon or anything. I made an exception today though. I got out a giant mug which I’m fairly certain is intended for soup and holds the same amount of drink as my teapot (it’s a personaliTEA from Adagio) and after putting the water on to boil I added a fair helping of sugar and milk to the mug. I started to panic a little when I finally poured the Lapsang, sure that I’d used far too much milk as it pretty much still looked like milk when I’d emptied my small teapot into the mug. Wonderfully, though, it tasted perfect! It was sweet and creamy and smokey and even better than I would have hoped it might be! I’ll probably never be able to replicate those ratios of sugar, milk and tea again though.