Drinking this as someone recommended it during the last trimester of pregnancy. I like it better steeped at 15 minutes than I do at 10. And actually the one time I forgot about it for longer it tasted better. It has a semblance to a Ceylon black tea, and is an enjoyable cup for me. I will drink this until baby comes (she’s due 10/24!!!) and maybe for cramps and such down the road.
It seems odd to me that Raspberry Leaf would be recommended during pregnancy (even third trimester) because I’ve always understood it to be a big no-no, specifically in early months. Congratulations, though!!
That sounded weird, and of course I can’t edit it. I guess I’m wondering what the raspberry leaf does that’s beneficial in later months while it’s dangerous in early ones. If that makes sense!
I believe in the early months it is shunned due to risk of miscarraige, but I don’t remember why. I know many have recommended it in the third trimester for uterine muscle toning and overall uterus health. On the American Association of Pregnancy’s website it is an herb that is “considered safe” during pregnancy. That’s about all I know, though, and I am no doctor, so hopefully any other pregnant women would check with their dr before taking this tea.
It seems odd to me that Raspberry Leaf would be recommended during pregnancy (even third trimester) because I’ve always understood it to be a big no-no, specifically in early months. Congratulations, though!!
That sounded weird, and of course I can’t edit it. I guess I’m wondering what the raspberry leaf does that’s beneficial in later months while it’s dangerous in early ones. If that makes sense!
I believe in the early months it is shunned due to risk of miscarraige, but I don’t remember why. I know many have recommended it in the third trimester for uterine muscle toning and overall uterus health. On the American Association of Pregnancy’s website it is an herb that is “considered safe” during pregnancy. That’s about all I know, though, and I am no doctor, so hopefully any other pregnant women would check with their dr before taking this tea.
Thanks for the info, Meghann. I did some extra research after as well and apparently this is one of those items that’s in hot debate. You’d think “we’d” have proven it one way or another by now. : )