This is the first of three samples I received that I am trying from Tea Forte.
I love Tea Forte’s packaging for their bagged teas. They are in a nylon/mesh bag, with a bendable leaf that sprouts out of the top of the bag (which allows you to hook it over your cup while steeping).
The leaves look to be a good size within the teabag, and they have room to unfurl once the water hits them. I steeped this cup in 170F water for two and a half minutes. The wet leaves have a hint of sweetness to them, but I’m not getting much else in the aroma.
Green Tango steeps up a bright marigold with a greenish tinge. Getting the slightest sweetness to the taste with a bit of hay on the aftertaste. This is a very subtle tea. The cup finished quickly, but nothing memorable in drinking this. I’m not sure if I’d purchase this tea, but I certainly wouldn’t refuse a cup from a friend.
Did you receive the samples from the company or did someone send it to you? If it was the former, mind sharing with us how? :)
I wish it was from the company directly. It was from a box of miscellaneous samples from a tea review blog “its all about the leaf” that I’m finally getting around to reviewing teas from. I’m a procrastinator :(
Did you receive the samples from the company or did someone send it to you? If it was the former, mind sharing with us how? :)
I wish it was from the company directly. It was from a box of miscellaneous samples from a tea review blog “its all about the leaf” that I’m finally getting around to reviewing teas from. I’m a procrastinator :(
Ah, I see, thanks for letting me know. :)