The first time I tried this was with FyreTyde and we drank from some of my china cups. Just yesterday I brought this with me to the office, along with some brown sugar. When making tea in the office, I have to make a somewhat larger quantity at a time and use a larger mug, since I’m limited on how often and when I am able to get up to refresh or refill.
So I made myself a mug of this deliciousness, prepared just as if I were making it for a more intimate party. It was definitely just as delicious as I remembered, but I guess what was lost to me this time around was the feeling of sitting around with my girlfriends drinking tea out of antique china cups.
The larger quantity/size of the mug did take a little from the experience for me and I think I’ll be keeping this beauty at home to enjoy in smaller, more focused settings to get the real flavor of it!