Following 26 Tea Drinkers

Oolong Owl 772 followers

I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl – I do tea reviews, obs...

mrmopar 777 followers

Cwyn 296 followers

TwoDog2 144 followers

Owner of : Blogger of: ...

boychik 442 followers

I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D Puaddict flir...

Haveteawilltravel 273 followers

Young and experienced Tea consumer. I’m continuously learning and developing ...

Grill 94 followers

Well I figure I should fill this out beyond a joke about picking the pu out o...

Tealizzy 247 followers

Another profile facelift! My tastes have changed a lot from when I first disc...

DigniTea 174 followers

I drink mostly puer and sometimes what we as Westerners think of as black tea...

jschergen 102 followers



We are all the leaves of one tree. We are all the notes of one song. Play on…


San Diego

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