Second tea from my order…….
I was really excited when I saw the listing for this one. I’m not the biggest maple fan (I know it’s almost against the law here in Canada) and most pancake teas are maple something. This is Banana Nut Vanilla Butter Pancake. That makes me happy.
I like this – I really like this, but as others have commented I think it needs more banana. The banana flavor is really nice and should shine more.
There has been some conversation about the base in this one. I actually like it. I think there is just a hint of astringency and that helps cut the sweetness, it helps with the balance. I also like the mouth feel. Bold and thick aren’t the right words, but this isn’t thin and weak – it’s just right. Something about the mouth feel helps with the buttery aspect of this.
I’m rambling – Nutty, buttery, hint of vanilla, some banana, nice base. Really good – could be amazing with more banana.
Just a note – this is a really heavy tea, there isn’t much in the 1oz bag. That’s not a criticism – I’m just saying that there are lots of nut chunks in here making it heavy. If you want lots to play with order 2oz. :)
Yep – This needs more banana. The second steep is sooooooo smooth and comforting but ZERO banana. Ahhhhh if there was just a little more banana…
I think I mentioned it on another post, but I’m definitely working on a more banana powered version after all the feedback! :)
IMHO I wouldn’t take it too far. Over the top banana wouldn’t be that appealing, but I would be happier with a touch more. :)) That said – the second steep of this could be my favorite vanilla tea. I almost couldn’t believe how warm and fuzzy it was. That hint of vanilla with the nuts – you just want to hug your cup. :))
On behalf of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Maple Police), this is your one and only warning to stop breaking the Canadian Maple laws!!!!
@Dexter I’m personally not a huge banana fan, so I couldn’t in good conscious crank it up too far! I’m a strong beliver in tea being a gigantic hug in a cup, so glad to hear that it gets hugs back! :)
There would be a lot of us who don’t believe there is ever enough banana flavor in tea, so do feel free to go hog wild with banana flavouring one day if you’d like!
I agree @keychange if it’s a banana black or banana green tea – but in this application I think too much banana would spoil/conceal all the other fun things going on. :)
Yep – This needs more banana. The second steep is sooooooo smooth and comforting but ZERO banana. Ahhhhh if there was just a little more banana…
I think I mentioned it on another post, but I’m definitely working on a more banana powered version after all the feedback! :)
IMHO I wouldn’t take it too far. Over the top banana wouldn’t be that appealing, but I would be happier with a touch more. :)) That said – the second steep of this could be my favorite vanilla tea. I almost couldn’t believe how warm and fuzzy it was. That hint of vanilla with the nuts – you just want to hug your cup. :))
On behalf of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Maple Police), this is your one and only warning to stop breaking the Canadian Maple laws!!!!
@Dexter I’m personally not a huge banana fan, so I couldn’t in good conscious crank it up too far! I’m a strong beliver in tea being a gigantic hug in a cup, so glad to hear that it gets hugs back! :)
There would be a lot of us who don’t believe there is ever enough banana flavor in tea, so do feel free to go hog wild with banana flavouring one day if you’d like!
I agree @keychange if it’s a banana black or banana green tea – but in this application I think too much banana would spoil/conceal all the other fun things going on. :)
@Lala – I bought Maple Walnut Ice Cream today – will that be enough to satisfy the RCMP ?
I guess we can put up on maple probation…for now :P