1 piece / 360ml banko-yaki, Water from Kunzan tetsubin.
Followed Mr. Hojos instructions.
Unfortunatly only had time for two infusions.
Now im not a big fan of ripe pu-erh. Ivé only tried to prepare it gong-fu style in celadon and zini yixing. Both are soo soo match for shu.
I was given the recomendation to prerpare shu in a reduction fired pot using water from a tetsubin. And i must say the result was fantastic. The first shu ever that i truly enjoyed. I will try this with another sample shu ive had lying around for awhile.
The flavour was slightly earthy with a shockful of ripe fruit. A long aftertaste of fruit lingering. It left me wanting more…… A truly good experience!
0 min, 15 sec