I’ve been wanting to buy this since it came out but never got around to it. In the canister the coconut and vanilla are really strong scents. And since I bought this during December at the mall, I had to ask the ladies to break out a new bag of Buttered Rum. There was hardly anything left in the canister.
Onto brewing this stuff. It reminds me a lot of the Bourbon Vanilla tea from Teaopia. Except that is lacking the coconut, but otherwise smells and tastes similar. Between the two teas I really prefer this one, it is really smooth and the coconut completes it.
The liquor tastes so rich and full of character, while still remaining refreshing too. It doesn’t weigh you down, it gets you to relax and put up your feet. The aftertaste is good too, the coconut, rum flavoring, vanilla and cornflowers just linger for a bit. Then you just taste the creamy black tea fading away. (I brewed this for 6 mins and the black tea was still enjoyable, not bitter)
When it comes to flavored black tea I prefer blends like this. I don’t like it when David’s Teas loads the blends with candy. Even though I don’t specifically drink tea for its health benefits, I do like to minimize my sugar intake.