Tea provided by Teavivre for review
First and second steeps were similar. Nice light tea body with subtle vegetal flavour (like bok choy), some spice notes, and hay aroma (in a nice way). I’ve always liked how the Bi Luo Chun has a mix between tasting like a green and a white tea. Even though it’s been a long time since I tried Teavivre’s Bi Luo Chun sample, it’s distinctive flavour brought back fond memories.
Third steep brought out a lot of flavour; sweeter and a strong floral aroma.
Fourth steep had a strong vegetal flavour which was almost bitter/sharp tasting (like uncooked spinach).
Looking back on my notes from 2 years ago, changing the tea to water ratio can bring out some interesting differences. I used Teavivre’s suggested 4 grams and 85ml for short steeping. My third and fourth steeps were a bit strong, if I used slightly more water (100ml), it probably would have turned out a bit lighter and less sharp. Overall I like Bi Luo Chun but usually when I’m craving a light green tea I still go with drinking a Dragon Well. I’d recommend Bi Luo Chun to those that like white tea but want something a bit closer to a green.
Steep time: rinse, 30s, 50s, 80s, 100s