48 Tasting Notes
I like this tea a lot because it helps me to feel calm at night when I have the most anxiety. I’m not usually a big floral fan, but my tastes may be changing. This reslly does make me feel so relaxed. I only had a tiny bit of this and Harney’s chanomile left so I mixed them together and loving it!
I used this as iced tea over the summer and loved it. At the end of summer, I was runningout of tea so I made another David’s order knowing tjat I wouldn’t use up the fruity teaa before Fall. I’m trying to use up some tea and make cabinet space so I started drinking some fruity teas before bed. This taste pretty good hot as well. Fruity but warm and comforting too.
Just made a cup of this for a late afternoon treat. Since it is pretty late, no caffeine for me! I used my finun filter but still got a little bit of stray tea in the cup but no biggie. First sip it was a tastey rooibus with a little fruitiness. I could drink this plain but I added sone half and half. I like the creamyness and full body! Yum!
Had a quick cup this morning. Forgot to taste it before I added some half and half! My guilty pleasure! It is very tastey classic black tea good for the morning and does well with milk and I am sure sugar would be good too. Not the boldest/ darkest black tea but not too light either. I had this blended with orange blossom and iced in the shop. I only ordered iced because we had baby with us, but it was a really good mix of a black base with fruity ness!