I don’t even know how to begin describing the scent that this mad array of ingredients gives off. It’s cinnamon spiced fruits and nuts with a roasted quality and, overall, comes across as some kind of candied roast mixture. It smells good, crazy but good. The items in this herbal blend are similar to the Kanpe herbal concoction and Forever Nuts.
Steeped, it smells like Forever Nuts, which reminds me of hot cheros. I am getting a lot of the hibiscus. It seems strange to have something at once be so tart and fruity and yet so nutty, spiced and roasted. It ends on a sweet & sour note in the back of the mouth, and tingly cinnamon and puckering cheeks. The notes in the sip go “zing”, than melting smooth, than “zing” again… is this herbal tea playing “Jingle Bells” on my tongue? Maybe if I drink it differently it will play a different tune?
Crazy, crazy Christmas tea.