drank PG Tips by PG Tips
67 tasting notes

Nice March weather in NC, so when my wife announced she was walking to a local store I couldn’t resist joining her. Since I had no agenda, I wandered to the tea and coffee aisle where I spotted a box of PG Tips. At about a dime a tea bag, I took a calculated risk and took a box home. Exactly what I’m looking for in a morning tea! Brisk, bold, flavorful and capable of handling some milk and sweetener.


Yep. My kind of wakey-upper.

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Yep. My kind of wakey-upper.

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I’ve heard others refer to me as a Renaissance man. I’m more apt to describe myself in a sentence ending with “…and master of none.”

I play music. I design and build things. I love art and quirky stuff. And I have a really cool wife.

In an attempt at a more graceful aging, I entered the wonderful world of tea for its health benefits in 2017. A home roaster and seasoned coffee-ologist, I dove quickly in, gleaning knowledge from every source possible and tasting all I could afford to buy, beg or borrow. Hundreds of cups, pots, bags and blends into it, I still consider myself a neophyte Steepster.

I’ve discovered I am a huge fan of Pu-erh and Assam, and quickly warmed up to Oolong, Yunnan Blacks, Keemun, and Matcha.

I enjoy Tisanes, too. We buy herbs in bulk and blend for both benefits and taste. In that order.


North Carolina

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