I let this Harney sample sit for weeks because it’s a rare desire for a single cup of tea. Low or no-caff options, sure, but but caffeinated black tea.
Well worth the wait, this Assam was rich and flavorful. Deliciously malty with an edge of honey. I’m quickly becoming a fan of Assam tea, and this well-balanced variant is just right for any time of the day.
I am glad you like it! I haven’t tried this one. The organic English Breakfast is just dreadful to me. It is probably the only Harney Tea I dislike, other than part of the decaf line. I do like the one called just Decaffeinated. I like decaf Midsummers Peach and other flavored ones, but some of the decaf black teas tasted washed out to me.
I am glad you like it! I haven’t tried this one. The organic English Breakfast is just dreadful to me. It is probably the only Harney Tea I dislike, other than part of the decaf line. I do like the one called just Decaffeinated. I like decaf Midsummers Peach and other flavored ones, but some of the decaf black teas tasted washed out to me.