Following 60 Tea Drinkers

darby 165 followers

VERDANT TEA lover!!! David’s Tea FAN! Love anything TEAVANA! Still developing...

Isaila 58 followers

Hi. I’m Isa. My photo is David Bowie. Actually, JK, it’s me, because I look l...

momo 413 followers

I have no standards so I drink everything I can :)

ne14t 25 followers

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot! I will attempt to taste and comment on each and every bl...

Alphakitty 257 followers

Tea has always been a passion of mine, though I got away from it during colle...

Daisy Chubb 432 followers

29/f/CAN My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They pleas...

CHAroma 254 followers

Entering the sweet blissful world of tea aromas! Having discovered this websi...

Amanda 13 followers

Crystal 18 followers

In slash/femslash fandoms of various size and scope; collects typewriters &am...
