This was a free sample with my latest order, which I think was back in October. The brewed tea aroma is heavenly! It smells like warm monkey bread fresh from the oven. Mmmm! The flavor is very similar to the aroma. I taste cinnamon and bread, vanilla and cream, and some other wonderful mixture of complementing flavors. This is so delicious!
Even though cinnamon bread is the predominant flavor I keep coming back to, this doesn’t strike me as a heavily cinnamon spiced tea. It truly blends with the other ingredients to make a whole new taste. The slower you drink it, the easier it is to identify the other flavors. I also detect a hint of something citrus-y in the aftertaste. Mmm, but I’m enjoying this so much it’s kind of hard to drink it slowly. I keep gulping it down, haha!
I don’t know why, but I was kind of put off by the name. I expected smoke and strong, harsh flavors. This is delicately balanced and very nuanced. It’s soft and potent at the same time. I really really love this! I think I may have to place an order…I know, I know! I’m really not supposed to! But this is too good to be true. I am so in love. It loses just one point for the name; I’d rename this blend “Monkey Bread.” It tastes exactly like the monkey bread my mother-in-law makes except in tea form. Yum!
Flavors: Bread, Cinnamon, Citrusy, Cream, Vanilla
I felt the same about the name of this tea, but was also happy to find it wasn’t like a campfire at all. :)
I haven’t heard of monkey bread before – it sounds delicious!
I felt the same about the name of this tea, but was also happy to find it wasn’t like a campfire at all. :)
I haven’t heard of monkey bread before – it sounds delicious!
Oh, it’s soooo good! It’s basically just bread with lots of cinnamon sugar and butter. Really bad for you but tastes amazing. So this tea is a much healthier alternative.