The dry leaf aroma is exactly what I’d expect from a high quality silver needle. The brewed tea aroma is comfortably familiar: hay and sunshine. I love this type of tea. Mmm, this is a little cup of heaven. And it’s organic to boot! Bonus!

I’m surprised that DAVIDsTEA recommends such a high temperature and long steep time for this tea (4-5 mins at 200 degrees F). That would scorch the leaves and turn a beautiful tea into a sad bitter one. I am glad I followed my regular steeping parameters instead. This is very flavorful, and I actually probably could have steeped it for even less time. Anything more and it probably would be ruined.

This is a pretty old free sample. I can’t actually tell you when I received this. Could have been a year ago. Could have been more. But it’s really held up well. No bitterness, no astringency, and excellent flavor. I am thoroughly enjoying one of my favorite teas and can’t wait to see how it resteeps! I used the same parameters and the second cup is still very yummy. Not quite as flavorful, but I think it’s actually better this way. Softer and quieter, the way I like it.

It’s especially helping my sore throat after the 10 minute long sneeze attack I endured earlier today. Being pregnant seems to have lowered my immunities. Allergies that normally don’t bother me much are really bothering me now. This tea is hitting the spot. If I could only use one word to describe it, it’d be comforting. I can definitely recommend this one.

By the way, I’m selling a bunch of my 52teas iced black teas at 50% off retail. Check out the official tea stash sales thread for more details.

Flavors: Hay, Honeysuckle

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 30 sec

This was the first Silver Needle I had a couple months ago and I’ve been thinking about it since. So so good.

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This was the first Silver Needle I had a couple months ago and I’ve been thinking about it since. So so good.

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Entering the sweet blissful world of tea aromas!

Having discovered this website at the end of July 2011, I’m so excited to share my tea adventures with all of you! I grew up with my grandmother serving Twining’s English Breakfast with cream and sugar.

But on a trip to Seattle in 2010, I stumbled into a Chinese teashop and tried my first oolong tea. I was forever changed! I embarked on a startling new love for green and white teas.

With a world of teas to discover, I was inspired to keep a tea journal to record my thoughts and new favorites. Let’s get brewing!

My ratings are completely subjective and 100% my opinion. All ratings are given in relation to each other (ie. teas are rated in the order of my enjoyment of them). Therefore, my ratings will constantly change as I try more teas.

I love swapping!!! If you see something in my cupboard you’d like to try, just send me a message. If you’d like to trade, anything on my shopping list will do or feel free to send something else entirely. I’m willing to try almost anything (although I’m not really a fan of honeybush, red rooibos, pu’erh, Lapsang Souchong, & banana-flavored teas).


Maryland, USA

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