Sipdown #43
I’ve made this tea a few ways recently. I hot brewed it and then poured it over ice. It was okay that way. Not nearly as flavorful as I remember it being from past experiences. Then I re-steeped the same leaves in cold water. I’m not gonna’ lie. I kind of forgot I was cold steeping this one for about 4 days or so. It just sat in the refrigerator.
I took the leaves out and then left the pitcher in the fridge for about a month or two…I’m not joking. I just completely forgot about it! Well, I broke out the pitcher today and was surprised to find it’s actually really yummy! LOL! I think I even like it better cold-brewed and forgotten about than hot-brewed and enjoyed right away. Both versions were enjoyed iced, but the “mistake” turned out incredibly delicious!
It’s a light fruity tea with the white base shining through nicely. The flavors even cut right through my lunch of leftover pepperoni pizza. Who knew? I’ve enjoyed this one, but I’m happy to say so long. I think this is the third 52teas I’ve ever sipped down. I am really hoarding them. So, this is a very hard-earned sipdown!