I drank a vanilla latte this morning instead of my usual double cup of chai tea. I might as well not have had any caffeine at all for as tired as I feel. So, I do believe…it’s tea time!! Thanks to JustJames for the sample. :)
I chose this one because it’s described as, “Tigers don’t tolerate weak tea, nor should you.” LOL! Okay, this stuff is the bomb. I’m working from home today, and I just got a call from a coworker who was having trouble with an assignment. It’s wicked hard to troubleshoot over the phone, especially when the person says they’ve done what you’ve told them to when they really haven’t. I finally finished the call and, by then, the tea was cool enough to drink.
RAWR!!! This tea makes me want to roar like a tiger! LOL! Sorry, I’m just so glad to have a nice cup of tea in my paws…err, hands. Yum! I even drank it sans additions! O_O This stuff is GRRRRRRREAT! (Okay, that’s all the tiger puns I can think of). :P
And now just for fun, some pictures of my kitty sleeping:
Oh, I want to squish that cat!
Also, I love this tea!
See? Orange you glad you tried this tea? … Because tigers are orange? Or some of them are? … Oh lord I’m sorry. No I’m not.