My husband and I have picked up tennis! We went shopping for new tennis rackets and then immediately went to a local park to play. I’ve never played tennis before, and I’m usually quite afraid of any sports involving balls flying at my face. My sports are swimming and horseback riding! But we wanted to start doing something new and he was practically begging me to play with him, so I decided to give it a shot.
And you know what? Tennis is really fun! My racket is pink and has a panther on it. And it only cost $20!!! My new workout shirt cost more than the racket! Why is workout clothing so expensive? Well, whatever sweat whisking properties it claimed to have were put to the test, and it seemed to work as advertised. I think half the fun of tennis is wearing the cute outfit. ;)
Anyway, this is a tea note not a sport note. But I just wanted to share my new experience with y’all! I see a lot more afternoons at the tennis court in our future. Maybe we’ll even make friends and then we can play doubles! I wish we could join a fancy country club. Then we could have afternoon tea too! Oh well, one can dream. :)
On to the tea!
The dry leaf aroma is mouthwateringly creamy and very strong. The brewed tea aroma is calmer, green oolong with a hint of something more. Mmm, this is super creamy and delicious! The aftertaste is surprisingly very akin to milk. I’ve only tried one other milk oolong before from Teavivre. This DAVIDsTEA version is much milkier and is also richer and deeper in flavor. I thought 4 minutes might be too long, but this is perfect just the way it is. Uber yummy! I hope it re-steeps well because I am going to thoroughly enjoy this for the rest of the day. :)