I bought this sample on a whim on the mini-moon trip to NYC. I had a bunch of DAVIDsTEA samples I wanted to buy, and when I mentioned I love apple, they brought out this tin. Wow! One whiff and I knew I had to have it!
The dry leaf aroma is amazing!!! It smells like some kind of rich fruit spice cake. Like apple cake or even carrot cake complete with the sugary, cream cheese frosting. I forgot tea could smell so enticing.
The brewed aroma is virtually the same. Yes! I love when that happens. Now for the taste…aww, sadly the taste is slightly lacking. I added a bit of Truvia and that helped to awaken the flavors. But it’s still not as yummy as that gloriously tasty aroma. It is growing on me the more I sip it though, seeing as my cup is empty.
I let the second cup steep for 15 minutes. Kind of forgot about it as I watched Eat Pray Love. That is one depressing movie. I’d probably enjoy the book better. Anyway, this second cup was really good too. No idea why it’s called Forever Nuts though. It’s more spice fruit cake than nutty.
So, the verdict is I like this tea. It’ll be especially good when I get pregnant and can’t drink caffeine. Of course, that’s still about 12 months off or so. But I’m always preparing for it in my heart and mind. :)