Boy is my kitty glad to be back home with me. This is the first time I’ve ever had to board him in 8 years. He hated it! They said he wouldn’t let anyone near him and would just growl. Poor baby probably thought I had abandoned him! But now he’s finally home, and he’s a happy kitty, following me around, purring, and sleeping on my lap. :) Here he is being cute and stretching at the top of the stairs (one of his favorite spots):
Many thanks to Indigobloom for this sample! I tried it once before but hadn’t made my mind up about it. I used less leaf this time around, probably about 1.5 tsp. I also did a shorter steep at 2 minutes and added a splash of skim milk immediately after brewing. No sweetener though.
Hmm, this is interesting. It’s much quieter than I remember and definitely no longer heavy. A soft, whispering tea on a cloudy day. I feel like I could take a nap after drinking it, LOL! The bergamot and citrus have faded away probably due to age. It’s also worth noting that again, this tea has oddly no aftertaste whatsoever. The flavor is only apparent while it’s still in my mouth. So strange.
I added the rest of the sample to the second infusion hoping to get more life out of the leaves. That just made this note a SIPDOWN! ;) This steep had probably about 2.5-3 tsp infusing for 2.5 minutes. I added milk again and waited impatiently for it to cool enough to drink. Hmm, it’s still pretty lackluster in the flavor department.
This isn’t the most exciting tea, but it is good. My rating reflects its appeal to my tastes and the leaves’ ability to hold flavor over time. Thanks again to Indigobloom!!!
adorable kittie!! :P
Thanks! :)