1 Tasting Note
I am currently suffering from a nasty cold which has been going around here. I went through stage one, sleeping all the time/small fever/chills and I am now on stage two. Congestion and cough. This is the worst stage for me because I never can sleep with the congestion. Don’t know why I didn’t remember to have a cup of my cold 911 tea before bed, but I am glad it is organic and has no caffeine so I can take it at 3am like I am now. Right away, my sinuses cleared. This tea is my go to tea for a cold or for a cold winter night or just having a non-caffeinated tea before bed. I have also recommended this tea to my mom and some friends who suffer lots of colds or have sinus issues. I tell them it is better than paying for an expensive bottle of cold FX!
I am hoping to sleep well after I am done with my cup of tea.