I had the opportunity to travel to china a few years ago and I had to pick up authentic dragon well right where they process it, I loved it.
I went to Teavana and said what the heck, let me go see how this compares and I must say they are of similar quality. I put perhaps two pinches worth of tea and just left it there to steep(that’s how I was taught to drink dragon well)
Aroma- mellow, relaxation inducing, earthy.
Taste – (no sweetener added ). Again mellow, nothing really jumps out. All flavors are real toned and coalesce to form this buttery, mellow, earthy, slightly roasted flavor.
Aftertaste- a bit dry but that’s expected.
I would recommend this tea. As an avid tea drinker, I’ve encountered countless overpowering-tannic green teas with a bitter after taste, this is not the case with this tea.