I have now broken two cheap-o electric kettle and realized it’s time to invest. So, this morning I got to boil water in a pot on the stove top. . . like some kind of cave woman! ;)
It actually made it easier to get the temp right which was nice. Used my little DT timer/thermometre. But, for some reason it doesn’t taste as good ad when I got it in store. It’s still quite good, but not what I remembered. I remember a very toasty taste, today I’m getting a rice-y taste. Oh well, every loose leaf cup is different!
185 °F / 85 °C
3 min, 30 sec
Too bad there’s not enough room to put BoxerMamaCaveWoman
CaveMama? :D
LOL! I got home from work today and hobbled in to the kitchen and my first thought was “EXPLETIVE!” I forgot to buy a new kettle, I get to continue being CaveMama for another day or two.