Third steeping: I tried it with four ounces water and two ounces hemp milk, and a teaspoon vanilla sugar as dessert. Just that little bit of sugar and milk made it so sweet and rich I had to leave half the cup for a while just to finish it. But it was too good to leave at a thrid steeping, so I poured some milk and water in with the leaves and tucked it in the fridged to try iced tomorrow. Yep, nothing like iced oolong for the sweltering 28 F snow day ahead!
As amazing as this oolong is I don’t see myself needing this one on hand all the time. Just frequently. Perhaps it’s just not the milk oolong for me or perhaps I need to brew it a little stronger for my tastes or in a way that adds some of Ti Kuan Yin greeness.
Either way Meghann deserves a pot of gold, three wishes and the keys to the city.
why thank you for the high praise. I thought this was the oolong of all oolong when I first tried some, but knew I could pass it one for someone else to experience when I hadn’t thought or craved it in over a month.
That’s my impression too- that this is an amazing tea that I’m glad to have tried and will always enjoy, but I’m not sure I’ll ever crave this oolong. Which, after looking up the price, is a relief. I’ll probably follow suit and give it a new home in a few weeks. Certainly no end to potential lodgings.
why thank you for the high praise. I thought this was the oolong of all oolong when I first tried some, but knew I could pass it one for someone else to experience when I hadn’t thought or craved it in over a month.
That’s my impression too- that this is an amazing tea that I’m glad to have tried and will always enjoy, but I’m not sure I’ll ever crave this oolong. Which, after looking up the price, is a relief. I’ll probably follow suit and give it a new home in a few weeks. Certainly no end to potential lodgings.