In need of a sketching friendly snack and in awe of the first steeping, I made garlic vanilla popcorn to match my tea. What? Garlic and vanilla pair amazingly wheither prepaired sweet or savory. Try it! Last night’s endevor is one of the best popcorn recipes ever! Quick too. I made while cooling the second infusion. Much to my surprise I couldn’t smell the tea leaves in the pot already. Closer sniff realed that I could, but it smelt identical to the popcorn. They unfurled nicely too, which I love about Ti Kuan Yins. A couple leaves were light yellow like the popcorn. Absent mindedly I wondered if they tasted like it too.
So I ate a leaf. Stopped. Then I ate a few kernals of popcorn. Ate another leaf. Ate another kernal. The difference in taste was largely in moisture.
To continue my dignified straight-from-the-teapot snacking, I poured some hemp milk in a sauce bowl and dunked popcorn in. And it tasted exactly like the tea!
Unbelievable. This tea even tastes like popcorn. Rich hemp milk and buttery vanilla roasted garilc popcorn. This is definately the tea to convert all latte addicts.
175 °F / 79 °C
2 min, 45 sec