Not going to lie, I sometimes choose my tea based on how I choose my wine. If it has a cool label or a fun name or is for a good cause, I’ll buy it to try it at least once. This one has all of the above, so I figured it must be a winner. Plus, I’m weird and I love hibiscus tea (like I love sour candy) so I figured I can’t lose. As long as the taste of the coconut could be masked…
Well, I wasn’t disappointed. The hibiscus and “other stuff” in it masked the taste of the coconut, which essentially just gave it some richness on the tongue for me. And left some oil droplets floating on my tea. I didn’t get any taste of mango or banana, but I do taste apple. And hibiscus. Oh, hibiscus. Any sweetness from stevia is severely overpowered by the tartness of hibiscus, so people who like sweetened tea (not me!) would still need to add a sugar of some kind. I’m I would like it iced, too—this time I drank it lukewarm because I forgot about it sitting on my desk (and was wondering who was eating candy!).