To be honest? I only have one complaint about this tea and it has nothing to do with taste.
This mate tastes great. I’m a big fan of mate since one of my Argentinian friends introduced me to it, and I’ve had mate from all across South America. This tastes just as good, if not better, than most of those.
The ONLY downside is if you plan on drinking this mate like you traditionally drink mate in South America. You put about 4 times more mate in the gourd than you would for just one cup, and just keep topping the gourd up with water. I end up going through almost 1.5 L of water in one gourd with about 3 tsp worth of mate. The problem? Because the pieces are so small, they start to break up and I end up sucking them up through my bombilla (and I have the DAVIDsTEA bombilla, too, so no excuses!).
For the taste and price? Can’t be beat.