This is an interesting plant. The dry product in the container smells of pipe tobacco…although a bit more earthy and not nearly as strong. Brewing it brings out the flavor a bit but remains a bit shallow compared to the complexity of variants of the actual tea plant. However, due to the insane amount of supposed health benefits (via antioxidants, nutrients and more) that this plant has to offer, and the lack of tannins oxalates and caffeine that tea does have, I’d recommend frequent consumption of Rooibos simply to promote better health, and then have your favorite teas to please your senses and taste buds. :)
For those not fond of the taste, I’d recommend trying Honeybush, as it tastes worlds better, and since it is from the same family of plants, it shares the health benefits. I’d highly recommend it over Rooibos in terms of taste.
A few more things…neither this nor Honeybush can be oversteeped, (the flavors only enhance with steep time) and both are 100% great for insomnia, relaxation and reducing anxiety, especially when combined with Lemongrass.