Yunnan sourcing order finally arrived. No free sample this time, though there were a few grams of an awesome looking shiny tightly rolled green tea just loose at the bottom of the cardboard box that I rinsed and brewed. It was nice and fresh.
Back to the yong pin hao…
I brewed it in a yixing pot fresh out of the sample packet with no acclimation time in a porous container. It might taste different once it acclimates and breathes a bit.
The dark leaves, once rinsed smell aged and a bit rancid. They look great: very shiny, mostly intact, and substantial.
brew is very mellow, perhaps too mellow. no bitterness or stringency, and not much flavor or aroma either. Sweet, a bit piney and almost aged-fruity, but again- not much flavor.
Not much caffeine (this i like) or qi sensations either.
After drinking many cups I could almost feel a cooling sensation at the back of my throat for a minute.
Stay tuned in a couple of weeks once try this one again in a gaiwan after it has revitalized from the month it spent sealed during shipping.