Not Recommended
2/3/14 1st tea in an afternoon Pu-erh flight. 3g/100ml gaiwan/212F Washed. This was the only tea in the tasting this afternoon that I actively disliked. The dry leaf smelled foul, like a dead aquarium, and the wet leaf added an ammonia scent to it. This is the first “fishy” pu-erh I’ve encountered, and now I have a definite context for that adjective and all it’s negative expressions. Fortunately the aroma was far worse than the brewed tea. The brewed tea was just boring and flat.
0 min, 15 sec
3 g
3 OZ / 100 ML
Dead aquarium. They should add that to the flavor list. LOL.
I had to add creamer as well (well, half and half), and found to my surprise i quite liked it that way. Does that make me a bad puerh drinker? Ah well.