Hmm. Well my first cup of this tasted very soapy, and I wasn’t sure if it was the tea or soap residue on the cup, and turns out, it was a bit of both. Definitely less soapy this time around, but still a bit.
Beyond the soap I’m getting some bitterness and perfume, a lot of coconut, which is a bit sweet and a bit toasty, and some berry. I’m not overly enjoying this black tea base.
This isn’t bad but it’s not great. I doubt I would buy again.
Flavors: Bitter, Coconut, Creamy, Perfume, Raspberry, Soap, Sweet, Toasted
I had a torrid love affair with this one for a minute, but it’s over now and I can’t even bear to smell it. XD
I was going to pass on it, since it didn’t smell super amazing to me, and the person in the store said the raspberry notes were quite subtle, but then they went on and on about how much they can’t resist this tea, so I figured I’d give it a try.
Any tips on brewing this better?
Have you tried a cold brew? I’ve found with tricky blends, a cold brew is the safest way to go…of course, you have to like cold tea. I used up the last of mine to make a pie, though.
Ah no I haven’t. I always intend to try things cold brewed and the I never get around to it. Thanks for the suggestion.
My pleasure! And I saw you enjoying Milk Oolong, if you want to use up some of the DT version, cold brew it. It is delicious as a cold brew.
I had a torrid love affair with this one for a minute, but it’s over now and I can’t even bear to smell it. XD
I was going to pass on it, since it didn’t smell super amazing to me, and the person in the store said the raspberry notes were quite subtle, but then they went on and on about how much they can’t resist this tea, so I figured I’d give it a try.
Any tips on brewing this better?
Have you tried a cold brew? I’ve found with tricky blends, a cold brew is the safest way to go…of course, you have to like cold tea. I used up the last of mine to make a pie, though.
Ah no I haven’t. I always intend to try things cold brewed and the I never get around to it. Thanks for the suggestion.
My pleasure! And I saw you enjoying Milk Oolong, if you want to use up some of the DT version, cold brew it. It is delicious as a cold brew.
Thanks! I don’t actually have any of the DT version, but it’s a good reminder to try cold brewing teas that aren’t really working for me hot. :)