Out of the Select box so generously provided by Ricky my first try is this.
I’m… uh… slightly frightened. I don’t have a very good track record with peach flavoured teas. If it’s a naturally occuring note of peaches that’s fine, but peach flavoured not so much. I’m also not a big fan of ginger.
Frankly, I thought these leaves were dreadfully stinky. Probably due to above caveat, but still. After steeping it’s more peachy and I like that aroma a lot better, although I remain sceptical about this whole peach thing.
Oh gosh. Ginger. Actually it’s not as bad as I had feared, but it’s not really surprisingly nice either. It’s just… ginger. Spicy and prickly and… gingery. This is a very primary note for me. I’ll give it 10-ish points though, for not being totally horrid in spite of being ginger.
The peach is rather more subdued, difficult to find under all that ginger and mainly present in the after taste. That really takes care of my peach reservations, because it’s not very pronounced at all. Subtle and discreet. That’s a rather pleasant surprise and it shows me that there are ways in which I can like a peach flavoured tea. It just has to be quite faintly flavoured. So fifteen bonus point for that.
The base is a Fujian black. If it was a basic black that would have been at least 80 points right there, but as it is flavoured and therefore not supposed to be the primary anything, I’ll have to say only 30 points on that account. Besides you could have totally fooled me about the base. You can tell it’s Chinese because it’s so smooth, but Fujian-ness? Can’t find any for all that ginger.
That’s a middleish score then. I shall have to try it in a cold brew also and see if that changes things any.