It’s been a little while since I’ve had this one, and since I didn’t really have anything specific in mind to make, I thought, hey why not?
Unfortunately I’m not sure how it’s turned out this time. See, I was standing there putting leaves in the pot, minding my own business, as you do. Thoughts started to wander and suddenly I caught myself just before tipping another spoonful of leaves into the pot. In other words, I don’t actually know how many leaves I’ve used here. It could be the normal two or three, or it could be four or even five. I believe the appropriate word here is not one uttered in the company of children…
Just in case I made it a really really short steep. Since the pot and cup are of a size where I can just exactly empty the pot in one go, if it’s not enough, I can always tip it back into the pot and give it a little extra.
It doesn’t smell like that will be necessary though. It smells more like I might be seeing a slightly different picture of the four red fruits. The strawberry is coming through with a sort of creamy-sweet aroma rather strongly. The cherries are also very obvious here.
It doesn’t seem too fruity on the flavour though, which leads me to believe that I probably didn’t use as much leaf as I had feared. It’s more just a basic anonymous black tea with a fruity sort of twist. It’s mostly cherries here. The other berries have either not have a chance to come out properly in my very short steep, or they have and are already overpowered because of the larger than usual amount of leaf.
I’m glad I didn’t manage to ruin it, even if I know that it can definitely be better than this cup here.