I think I’ve worked out what controls my green tea moods and my black tea moods. It’s heat. When it’s hot, green tea seems more refreshing. When it isn’t hot, it often seems to be a little boring to drink for me. When it isn’t hot, I like the strength of a good black much better. Oolongs, they’re sort of an all-round type.
It’s hot today, so I turn towards green. This one, with it’s strong jasmine flavour, probably wasn’t the best choice but it was the first tin I saw.
goes back to melting
I don’t know about that specific tea, but a nice iced jasmine green can really be refreshing. It sounds like this one is powerfully strong on the Jasmine. Why do companies do that? I have a tin of dried Jasmine flowers, and I make a batch of the tea with really great green, and a little honey or agave, if I’m going to ice it. Delish!
I don’t know about that specific tea, but a nice iced jasmine green can really be refreshing. It sounds like this one is powerfully strong on the Jasmine. Why do companies do that? I have a tin of dried Jasmine flowers, and I make a batch of the tea with really great green, and a little honey or agave, if I’m going to ice it. Delish!
“oh my ceiling cat”
You just totally brightened my morning! Thanks for the laugh!